Registration is now open for the 2013 SE regional Evangelical Missiological Society meeting, March 8-9 at Columbia International University. Our theme is the "Family and Mission" and we are excited to have Dr. Jerry Rankin, former president of the International Mission Board, as our plenary speaker as well as 17 other papers and presentations.
You can register on-line HERE or by mailing in this FORM. Registration is $15 and $10 for students. For an additional $25, you may purchase a ticket for lunch and dinner Friday and breakfast and lunch Saturday in the CIU cafeteria. Click HERE for hotels and HERE for a map of CIU. Friday, March 8 11:30a-1:15p, Packet pickup/late registration (Hoke Lobby) 1:30p, Welcome (Hoke Auditorium) 1:50-2:35p, Plenary Session (Hoke Auditorium) Dr. Jerry Rankin, “The Family—An Asset to Fulfilling God's Mission” 2:45-3:25p, Session 1 David Cashin (Columbia International University), “Family issues in Preventable Missionary Attrition: An Overview.” (Fisher 206) Dayton Hartman (Nashville Baptist Church/Antitem Bible College), “Engaging Mormons with the Early Church Fathers” (Fisher 203) 3:25-3:40p, Coffee Break (Fisher 1st floor) 3:45-4:25p, Session 2 Harvey Payne and Leah Herod (Columbia International University), “Understanding Fourth Culture Kids: What happens when you add the world of special needs to Third Culture Kids?” (Fisher 206) Patrick Hubbard (Living Bread Ministries/Liberty University), “The Role of Service in Planting Churches.” (Fisher 203) 4:30-5:10p, Session 3 Trevor and Katie Castor (Columbia International University), “Mission or family health? Our Journey in Mission” (Fisher 206) John Wood (Biola University/IMB), “The Church in China: Ready to Finish the Task of Missions within Their Own Country and Beyond” (Fisher 203) 5:15-5:55p, Session 4 Gwen Broucek (South America Mission), “Intercultural Missionary Marriages” (Fisher 206) Rachel Wood (Biola University/IMB), “Together With God: Strategic Training for Missionary Women” (Fisher 203) 6:00-7:00p, Dinner (note: CIU cafeteria ends serving at 6:30p) Saturday, March 9 8:30-9:10a, Session 5 Kayla Wilson (Liberty University), “A Holistic Approach to Cross-Cultural Education” (Fisher 206) Chris Little (Columbia International University), “Business as Mission (BAM) Under Scrutiny” (Fisher 203) 9:15-9:55a, Session 6 Jere Phillips (Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary), “Managing Stress Effectively on the Mission Field” (Fisher 206) Ed Smither (Columbia International University), “Bible translation in the early church: the Syriac, Latin, and Armenian Scriptures explored through missiological lenses” (Fisher 203) 9:55a-10:10a, Coffee Break (Fisher 1st floor) 10:15-10:55a, Session 7 Becky Magnuson (Columbia International University), “Member Care for Finishers: Life and Career Concerns” (Fisher 206) Andrew McFarland (Asbury Theological Seminary), “The Family Life of William Carey” (Fisher 203) 11:00-11:40a, Session 8 Bill Rodgers (CRU/Columbia International University) “Dealing with sexual addiction in missionary personnel” (Fisher 206) Gordon Olson, “Was the 1555 French Expedition to Brazil a Missionary Venture?” (Fisher 203) 11:40a-12:00p, Closing Comments (Hoke) |
November 2023