selected publications
Reading James Missiologically: The Missionary Motive, Message, and Methods of James. Littleton: William Carey, 2025 (edited with Abeneazer G. Urga and Jessica A. Udall)
Equipping for Global Mission: Theological and Missiological Proposals and Case Studies. Littleton: William Carey, 2024 (edited with Linda Saunders and Gregory Mathias).
Reading 1 Peter Missiologically: The Missionary Motive, Message, and Methods of 1 Peter. Littleton: William Carey, 2024 (edited with Abeneazer G. Urga and Jessica A. Udall)
John Stott: A Facilitator of Global Missional Theology. Eugene: Cascade, 2023.
Mission in Praise, Word, and Deed: Reflections on the Past and Future of Global Mission. Pasadena: William Carey, 2023 (edited with Jessica A. Udall).
Reading Hebrews Missiologically: The Missionary Motive, Message, and Methods of Hebrews. Pasadena: William Carey, 2023 (edited with Abeneazer G. Urga and Linda Saunders)
Mission in the Way of Daniel: Empowering Believers to Live into God's Plan. Pasadena: William Carey, 2022.
Sixteenth Century Mission: Explorations in Protestant and Roman Catholic Theology and Practice. Bellingham: Lexham, 2021 (edited with Robert Gallagher). Available in Spanish.
Mission as Hospitality: Imitating the Hospitable God in Mission. Eugene: Cascade, 2021.
Christian Martyrdom: A Brief History with Reflections for Today. Eugene: Cascade, 2020.
Christian Mission: A Concise Global History. Bellingham: Lexham, 2019.
Missionary Monks: An Introduction to the History and Theology of Missionary Monasticism. Eugene: Cascade, 2016.
(with Rochelle Cathcart Scheuermann) Controversies in Mission: Theology, People, and Practice of Mission in the 21st Century. Pasadena: William Carey, 2016.
Mission in the Early Church: Themes and Reflections. Eugene: Cascade, 2014.
Rethinking Constantine: History, Theology, Legacy. Eugene: Pickwick, 2014.
Brazilian Evangelical Missions in the Arab World: History, Culture, Practice, and Theology. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2012. Available in Portuguese.
(translator) Early Christianity in North Africa. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2009.
Augustine as Mentor: A Model for Preparing Spiritual Leaders. Nashville: B&H Academic, 2008. Available in Portuguese.
Book Chapters
"Suffering in God's Mission: Reflections from 1 Peter." In Reading 1 Peter Missiologically: The Missionary Motive, Message, and Methods of 1 Peter, edited by Abeneazer G. Urga, Jessica A. Udall, and Edward L. Smither, 163-179, Littleton: William Carey, 2024.
"Daniel as a Model of Vulnerability in Ministry and Mission." In Paul Planted, Apollos Watered, But God: Vulnerable Weakness in Ministry and Mission, edited by Christopher Sadowitz and Jim Harries, 125-137, Eugene: Resource, 2023.
"Missional Hospitality in Hebrews: Welcoming God and Welcoming the Stranger." In Reading Hebrews Missiologically: The Missionary Motive, Message, and Methods of Hebrews, edited by Abeneazer Urga, Linda Saunders, and Edward L. Smither, 71-85, Pasadena: William Carey, 2023.
“Mission Amid Sixth Century Crises: Reflections on Gregory the Great, the Mission to England, and Thoughts for Today.” In Practicing Hope: Missions and Global Crises, edited by Jerry M. Ireland and Michelle Raven, 145-154. Pasadena: William Carey, 2020.
(with Trevor Castor) “Timothy I of Baghdad: A Model for Peaceful Dialogue.” In The History of Apologetics: A Biographical and Methodological Introduction, edited by Benjamin Forrest et al. 197-209. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2020.
"Connecting with Secular Muslims through History and Film: The Case Study of 'Augustine: Son of Her Tears,'" In Mission and Evangelism in a Secularizing World: Academy, Agency, and Assembly Perspectives from Canada, edited by Narry F. Santos and Mark Naylor, 31-37. Eugene: Pickwick, 2019.
"Sola Scriptura and the Recovery of Bible Translation in the Reformation," In Celebrating the Legacy of the Reformation, edited by Benjamin Forrest et al. 273-290. Nashville: B&H Academic, 2019.
"Lessons in Church-State Relations from Luther, Calvin, and Hubmaier with Reflections for the Chinese Church Today," In Christian Theology, Evangelical Faith, and the Church in China. Taiwan: Chinese Pastors' Fellowship, 2018.
“Augustine of Hippo: Agape-Driven, Christocentric Preaching,” In A Legacy of Preaching, Volume 1: Apostles to the Revivalists, edited by Benjamin Forrest et al., 146-156. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2018.
"When the Church was the Mission Organization: Rethinking Winter's Two Structures of Redemption Paradigm," In Churches on Mission: God's Grace Abound to the Nations, edited by Geoffrey Hart, Christopher R. Little, and John Wang. EMS 25. Pasadena, CA: William Carey, 2017, 25-46.
"Augustine: Teacher as Mentor," In A Legacy of Religious Educators: Historical and Theological Introductions, edited by Elmer L. Towns and Benjamin K. Forrest. Lynchburg: Liberty University Press, 2016, 21-33.
"From Sao Paulo to Al-Alam Arab (The Arab World): The Brazilian Evangelical Missions Movement," In Scattered and Gathered: A Global Compendium of Diaspora Missiology, edited by Sadiri Joy Tira and Tetsuano Yamamori, 415-422, Oxford: Regnum, 2016.
"Augustine, Missionary to Heretics? An Appraisal of Augustine's Missional Engagement with the Donatists," In A Uniquely African Controversy: Studies on Donatist Christianity (Late Antique History and Religion 9), edited by A. Dupont, M.A. Gaumer, and M. Lamberigts, 269-288, Leuven: Peeters, 2015.
(with David C. Alexander) "Bauer's Forgotten Region: North African Christianity," In Orthodoxy and Heresy in Early Christian Contexts: Reconsidering the Bauer Thesis, edited by Paul A. Hartog, 166-192, Eugene: Pickwick, 2015.
"Did the rise of Constantine mean the end of Christian Mission?" In Rethinking Constantine: History, Theology, and Legacy, edited by Edward L. Smither, 130-145, Eugene: Pickwick, 2014.
"Basil of Caesarea: An Early Christian Model of Urban Mission" In Reaching the City: Reflections on Urban Mission for the Twenty-first Century, edited by Gary Fujino, Timothy R. Sisk, and Tereso C. Casino, 59-75, Pasadena: William Carey, 2012.
"Learning from Patristic Evangelism and Discipleship," In The Contemporary Church and the Early Church: Case Studies in Ressourcement, edited by Paul Hartog, 27-49, Eugene: Pickwick, 2010.
“Communicating catholic and Indigenous Christianity: The Anglican Book of Common Prayer’s Contribution to Global Mission.” Missio Dei: A Journal of Missional Theology and Praxis 13:1 (Winter-Spring 2022).
"Mission at and from the Lord's Table: A Eucharistic Foundation for Mission," Journal of the Evangelical Missiological Society 1:2 (2021), 20-39.
"Francis of Assisi, Christology, and mission," Missiology: An International Review 46:3 (2018), 283-292.
"Ignatius' Trinitarian Foundation for Church Unity and Obeying Spiritual Leaders," Fides et Humilitas 4 (2018), 67-80.
"Explaining the Trinity to Muslims and Jews in Medieval Christian Mission: Lessons from the Life of Cyril," International Bulletin of Mission Research 41:1 (2017), 1-9.
"Pastoral Lessons from Augustine's Theological Correspondence with Women," HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 72:4 (2016).
"A Celtic Approach to Reaching Oral Learners: A Survey of the Oral and Visual Strategies Used by the Iona Community ca. 600-800," Global Missiology 1:12 (2014).
"Augustine on Redemption in Genesis 1-3," Verbum et Ecclesia 35:1 (2014).
"Short-Term Mission Serving Long-Term Efforts in Eastern Europe," Evangelical Missions Quarterly 48:4 (2012), 468-475.
"Missão Integral [holistic mission or the ‘whole Gospel’] applied: Brazilian evangelical models of holistic mission in the Arab-Muslim world," Verbum et Ecclesia 32:1 (2011).
"Lessons from a Tentmaking Ascetic in the Egyptian Desert: The Case of Evagrius of Pontus," Missiology: An International Review 39:4 (2011), 485-496.
"Bridging the 'Excluded Middle': The Case of Brazilian Evangelical Missionaries Serving among Arab-Muslims," Global Missiology 2:8 (2011).
"The Impact of evangelical revivals on global mission: The case of North American evangelicals in Brazil in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries," Verbum et Ecclesia 31:1 (2010).
"Remembering the Story: Historical Reflection Leading to Spiritual Dialogue," Evangelical Missions Quarterly 45:3 (2009), 298-303.
"Dressed for Worship: Reflections on Worship in an International, Multi-cultural Church," Ethnodoxology Journal 4:3 (2008).
"'To Emulate and Imitate': Possidius' Life of Augustine as a fifth-century Discipleship Tool," Southwestern Journal of Theology 50:2 (2008), 146-168.
"An Unrecognized and Unlikely Influence? The Impact of Valerius of Hippo on Augustine," Irish Theological Quarterly 72:3 (2007), 251-264.
Encyclopedia Entries
“Mission, Missiology: Greek and Latin Patristics and Orthodox Churches.” In Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (Volume 19), edited by Eric Ziolkowski et al., 432-433, Berlin: DeGruyter, 2021.
“Christar,” “CrossWorld,” “Frontiers,” “Interserve,” “Partners International,” in The Essential Handbook of Denominations and Ministries, edited by George T. Kurian, George and Sarah Claudine Day. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2017.
"Alexandrian School, Ambrose, Augustine, Apostles Creed, Bede, Docetism, Irenaeus, Polycarp, William Carey, Cyril and Methodius, Ephrem the Syrian, Eusebius, David Livingstone, Francis Xavier, Nicolas von Zinzendorf," in The Popular Encyclopedia of Church History, edited by Ed Hindson and Dan Mitchell. Eugene: Harvest House, 2013.
Reading James Missiologically: The Missionary Motive, Message, and Methods of James. Littleton: William Carey, 2025 (edited with Abeneazer G. Urga and Jessica A. Udall)
Equipping for Global Mission: Theological and Missiological Proposals and Case Studies. Littleton: William Carey, 2024 (edited with Linda Saunders and Gregory Mathias).
Reading 1 Peter Missiologically: The Missionary Motive, Message, and Methods of 1 Peter. Littleton: William Carey, 2024 (edited with Abeneazer G. Urga and Jessica A. Udall)
John Stott: A Facilitator of Global Missional Theology. Eugene: Cascade, 2023.
Mission in Praise, Word, and Deed: Reflections on the Past and Future of Global Mission. Pasadena: William Carey, 2023 (edited with Jessica A. Udall).
Reading Hebrews Missiologically: The Missionary Motive, Message, and Methods of Hebrews. Pasadena: William Carey, 2023 (edited with Abeneazer G. Urga and Linda Saunders)
Mission in the Way of Daniel: Empowering Believers to Live into God's Plan. Pasadena: William Carey, 2022.
Sixteenth Century Mission: Explorations in Protestant and Roman Catholic Theology and Practice. Bellingham: Lexham, 2021 (edited with Robert Gallagher). Available in Spanish.
Mission as Hospitality: Imitating the Hospitable God in Mission. Eugene: Cascade, 2021.
Christian Martyrdom: A Brief History with Reflections for Today. Eugene: Cascade, 2020.
Christian Mission: A Concise Global History. Bellingham: Lexham, 2019.
Missionary Monks: An Introduction to the History and Theology of Missionary Monasticism. Eugene: Cascade, 2016.
(with Rochelle Cathcart Scheuermann) Controversies in Mission: Theology, People, and Practice of Mission in the 21st Century. Pasadena: William Carey, 2016.
Mission in the Early Church: Themes and Reflections. Eugene: Cascade, 2014.
Rethinking Constantine: History, Theology, Legacy. Eugene: Pickwick, 2014.
Brazilian Evangelical Missions in the Arab World: History, Culture, Practice, and Theology. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2012. Available in Portuguese.
(translator) Early Christianity in North Africa. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2009.
Augustine as Mentor: A Model for Preparing Spiritual Leaders. Nashville: B&H Academic, 2008. Available in Portuguese.
Book Chapters
"Suffering in God's Mission: Reflections from 1 Peter." In Reading 1 Peter Missiologically: The Missionary Motive, Message, and Methods of 1 Peter, edited by Abeneazer G. Urga, Jessica A. Udall, and Edward L. Smither, 163-179, Littleton: William Carey, 2024.
"Daniel as a Model of Vulnerability in Ministry and Mission." In Paul Planted, Apollos Watered, But God: Vulnerable Weakness in Ministry and Mission, edited by Christopher Sadowitz and Jim Harries, 125-137, Eugene: Resource, 2023.
"Missional Hospitality in Hebrews: Welcoming God and Welcoming the Stranger." In Reading Hebrews Missiologically: The Missionary Motive, Message, and Methods of Hebrews, edited by Abeneazer Urga, Linda Saunders, and Edward L. Smither, 71-85, Pasadena: William Carey, 2023.
“Mission Amid Sixth Century Crises: Reflections on Gregory the Great, the Mission to England, and Thoughts for Today.” In Practicing Hope: Missions and Global Crises, edited by Jerry M. Ireland and Michelle Raven, 145-154. Pasadena: William Carey, 2020.
(with Trevor Castor) “Timothy I of Baghdad: A Model for Peaceful Dialogue.” In The History of Apologetics: A Biographical and Methodological Introduction, edited by Benjamin Forrest et al. 197-209. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2020.
"Connecting with Secular Muslims through History and Film: The Case Study of 'Augustine: Son of Her Tears,'" In Mission and Evangelism in a Secularizing World: Academy, Agency, and Assembly Perspectives from Canada, edited by Narry F. Santos and Mark Naylor, 31-37. Eugene: Pickwick, 2019.
"Sola Scriptura and the Recovery of Bible Translation in the Reformation," In Celebrating the Legacy of the Reformation, edited by Benjamin Forrest et al. 273-290. Nashville: B&H Academic, 2019.
"Lessons in Church-State Relations from Luther, Calvin, and Hubmaier with Reflections for the Chinese Church Today," In Christian Theology, Evangelical Faith, and the Church in China. Taiwan: Chinese Pastors' Fellowship, 2018.
“Augustine of Hippo: Agape-Driven, Christocentric Preaching,” In A Legacy of Preaching, Volume 1: Apostles to the Revivalists, edited by Benjamin Forrest et al., 146-156. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2018.
"When the Church was the Mission Organization: Rethinking Winter's Two Structures of Redemption Paradigm," In Churches on Mission: God's Grace Abound to the Nations, edited by Geoffrey Hart, Christopher R. Little, and John Wang. EMS 25. Pasadena, CA: William Carey, 2017, 25-46.
"Augustine: Teacher as Mentor," In A Legacy of Religious Educators: Historical and Theological Introductions, edited by Elmer L. Towns and Benjamin K. Forrest. Lynchburg: Liberty University Press, 2016, 21-33.
"From Sao Paulo to Al-Alam Arab (The Arab World): The Brazilian Evangelical Missions Movement," In Scattered and Gathered: A Global Compendium of Diaspora Missiology, edited by Sadiri Joy Tira and Tetsuano Yamamori, 415-422, Oxford: Regnum, 2016.
"Augustine, Missionary to Heretics? An Appraisal of Augustine's Missional Engagement with the Donatists," In A Uniquely African Controversy: Studies on Donatist Christianity (Late Antique History and Religion 9), edited by A. Dupont, M.A. Gaumer, and M. Lamberigts, 269-288, Leuven: Peeters, 2015.
(with David C. Alexander) "Bauer's Forgotten Region: North African Christianity," In Orthodoxy and Heresy in Early Christian Contexts: Reconsidering the Bauer Thesis, edited by Paul A. Hartog, 166-192, Eugene: Pickwick, 2015.
"Did the rise of Constantine mean the end of Christian Mission?" In Rethinking Constantine: History, Theology, and Legacy, edited by Edward L. Smither, 130-145, Eugene: Pickwick, 2014.
"Basil of Caesarea: An Early Christian Model of Urban Mission" In Reaching the City: Reflections on Urban Mission for the Twenty-first Century, edited by Gary Fujino, Timothy R. Sisk, and Tereso C. Casino, 59-75, Pasadena: William Carey, 2012.
"Learning from Patristic Evangelism and Discipleship," In The Contemporary Church and the Early Church: Case Studies in Ressourcement, edited by Paul Hartog, 27-49, Eugene: Pickwick, 2010.
“Communicating catholic and Indigenous Christianity: The Anglican Book of Common Prayer’s Contribution to Global Mission.” Missio Dei: A Journal of Missional Theology and Praxis 13:1 (Winter-Spring 2022).
"Mission at and from the Lord's Table: A Eucharistic Foundation for Mission," Journal of the Evangelical Missiological Society 1:2 (2021), 20-39.
"Francis of Assisi, Christology, and mission," Missiology: An International Review 46:3 (2018), 283-292.
"Ignatius' Trinitarian Foundation for Church Unity and Obeying Spiritual Leaders," Fides et Humilitas 4 (2018), 67-80.
"Explaining the Trinity to Muslims and Jews in Medieval Christian Mission: Lessons from the Life of Cyril," International Bulletin of Mission Research 41:1 (2017), 1-9.
"Pastoral Lessons from Augustine's Theological Correspondence with Women," HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 72:4 (2016).
"A Celtic Approach to Reaching Oral Learners: A Survey of the Oral and Visual Strategies Used by the Iona Community ca. 600-800," Global Missiology 1:12 (2014).
"Augustine on Redemption in Genesis 1-3," Verbum et Ecclesia 35:1 (2014).
"Short-Term Mission Serving Long-Term Efforts in Eastern Europe," Evangelical Missions Quarterly 48:4 (2012), 468-475.
"Missão Integral [holistic mission or the ‘whole Gospel’] applied: Brazilian evangelical models of holistic mission in the Arab-Muslim world," Verbum et Ecclesia 32:1 (2011).
"Lessons from a Tentmaking Ascetic in the Egyptian Desert: The Case of Evagrius of Pontus," Missiology: An International Review 39:4 (2011), 485-496.
"Bridging the 'Excluded Middle': The Case of Brazilian Evangelical Missionaries Serving among Arab-Muslims," Global Missiology 2:8 (2011).
"The Impact of evangelical revivals on global mission: The case of North American evangelicals in Brazil in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries," Verbum et Ecclesia 31:1 (2010).
"Remembering the Story: Historical Reflection Leading to Spiritual Dialogue," Evangelical Missions Quarterly 45:3 (2009), 298-303.
"Dressed for Worship: Reflections on Worship in an International, Multi-cultural Church," Ethnodoxology Journal 4:3 (2008).
"'To Emulate and Imitate': Possidius' Life of Augustine as a fifth-century Discipleship Tool," Southwestern Journal of Theology 50:2 (2008), 146-168.
"An Unrecognized and Unlikely Influence? The Impact of Valerius of Hippo on Augustine," Irish Theological Quarterly 72:3 (2007), 251-264.
Encyclopedia Entries
“Mission, Missiology: Greek and Latin Patristics and Orthodox Churches.” In Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (Volume 19), edited by Eric Ziolkowski et al., 432-433, Berlin: DeGruyter, 2021.
“Christar,” “CrossWorld,” “Frontiers,” “Interserve,” “Partners International,” in The Essential Handbook of Denominations and Ministries, edited by George T. Kurian, George and Sarah Claudine Day. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2017.
"Alexandrian School, Ambrose, Augustine, Apostles Creed, Bede, Docetism, Irenaeus, Polycarp, William Carey, Cyril and Methodius, Ephrem the Syrian, Eusebius, David Livingstone, Francis Xavier, Nicolas von Zinzendorf," in The Popular Encyclopedia of Church History, edited by Ed Hindson and Dan Mitchell. Eugene: Harvest House, 2013.